August 01, 2018 2 min read

Layering your clothes in summer may sound like an odd style; after all, surely it’s during the winter months that you need those extra layers? The truth is that layering is so much more than a practicality; it’s a way of creating your own personal style, as well as having that extra jacket when the sun hides behind the clouds. Adding some variety to your ensemble, layering allows you to stand out amongst the usual men’s clothing styles.

So, if you’re hoping to add some layers to your wardrobe this summer, here are some top tips to help you get it right.

Tips for successful layering

One of the most important aspects of layering your clothes is that each layer should be something that can be worn on its own. This is crucial because if you get too warm and need to take a layer or two off, you don’t want to be caught out by an old t-shirt or other item that has seen better days!

Likewise, outer hems should always be longer than any inner hems. For example, if you plan on wearing a jumper over your men’s smart shirt, you shouldn’t see any shirt tails peering out underneath the bottom of the jumper! It creates a messy appearance, as though you haven’t put much effort in.

Have a maximum of three colours in your whole outfit; even if it’s shades of the same colour. If you overload on bright colours, you will likely start to stand out for all the wrong reasons. Make one or two colours your focus, and leave the rest of your outfit a little more neutral.

Choosing the best layering pieces

There are a few men’s styles that are particularly great for layering, especially in the summer. You can stay clear of undershirts or anything designed to keep the heat in, as there’s no need for it at this time of year. Layering in the summer is definitely more for style than for keeping warm!

For your first layer, your best choices include shirts as they are so versatile to wear under anything such as jackets and jumpers. You may want to choose a plain colour or something a bit more vibrant so that it’s visible under your jumper. Likewise, men’s polo shirts are great for your base layer. Of course, you can always stick to the classic t-shirt, particularly if the weather is warm enough outside.

Your next layer should consist of some form of jacket. Unfortunately, in the UK it would be very naïve to leave the house without one; even in summer! Sports jackets or blazers are a great staple for this time of year, as they are lightweight enough for the summer as well as adding some style to your outfit. If the weather is too nice, swap your jacket for a jumper to keep it cool.

Finish off with a belt, a watch or other men’s accessories that will bring your whole ensemble together perfectly!